Almost one hundred colleagues met on February 9 at lunchtime to listen to Tom Meyers, Osteopathe and DeStress coach, and learn again something that everybody knows but somehow we never apply, or very rarely… The future sounds stressed, with one in five people...
Agenda of the General Assembly of Cancer Support Group ASBL Brussels, 16 February 2017 from 12h45 to 14h15 I : Approbation of the agenda II : Annual Report 2016 III : Financial report 2016 and discharge of the treasurer IV: Interventions of our colleagues in...
ORDRE DU JOUR de l’Assemblée générale du CANCER SUPPORT GROUP ASBL qui aura lieu le 16 février 2017 de 12h45 à 14h15 à Bruxelles I : Approbation de L’Ordre du Jour II : Rapport Annuel 2016 III : Rapport Financier et...